The exciting sequel to Samurai Awakeningcontinuing the story of David Matthews and the Matsumoto family, and their battle to keep Japan safe from the monsters that seek to conquer mankind.
As an exchange student in Japan, David Matthews has more to deal with than most teenagers. A lot more. While adjusting has been a challenge, his host family, the Matsumotos, help him to connect his old life to the realities of life in Japan.
But David and the Matsumotos share a secret. After over a hundred years without a protector for Japan, the Kami have made David a new Jitsugen Samurai. The fate of the country is tied to his choices, but he does not yet have the strength to face the tide of enemies turning against him.
With warnings of ancient evils returning to Japan, David finds even his closest friends are changing. As his relationships, especially with Rie his host sister, grow uncertain, he must forge deeper connections with Kou, the tiger god that resides with him, and form new alliances if he hopes to hold back the rise of the Akuma Clan. And time is running out.