Your Super Made Simple is an easy-to-understand guide to superannuation,
with the latest facts, fi gures and options available.
Superannuation is a $2.1 trillion Australian national asset owned by the nation’s
14.8 million super fund members who include workers, businesspeople, investors
and retirees. It is aimed at helping us live out our retirement years with some
joy and dignity. But super is not a simple matter. It’s a complex web of tax and
fi nancial relationships that we all, at some point in our lives, will have to come to
terms with.
Whether you retire with a few thousand dollars to help sweeten your years on the
Age Pension or whether you have a $1 million plus fund that will afford you an
affl uent retirement: whether you are approaching retirement or just starting out in
the workforce, you have to make decisions about superannuation. And the sooner
you understand your options the better off you will be in the long term.
This book will help you navigate the Super maze to make the best decisions for
you and your future.