Kindness isn't merely about getting along with people and being nice. It's a game changer in business, the door opener to fulfillment, and the key to authenticity and confidence. It's also a superpower that can be honed through developing a daily practice of kindness as a lifestyle and is especially important in these divisive times.Whether it's the current political climate, family matters, or workplace dynamics, everything in our world appears to be more intense lately. Social media is a forum for debates and name-calling. Many feel frustrated and powerless. The person next to you might be on the verge of quitting or cracking under pressure.Is something as simple as kindness really the answerThrough years of talking to friends and colleagues about her kindness practices, Good Morning America correspondent and anchor Adrienne Bankert has heard story after story confirming the unlimited power of kindness.Adjusting our perspective from being closed off and self-centered to a mindset of kindness ripples into a staggering amount of personal fulfillment and development. Kindness is universally understood in every culture. No matter our age or ethnicity, where we come from, or how much money we make, any one of us can be kind. Any one of us can be the difference maker. As a bonus, we achieve our unique destiny day by day by being kind. Your Hidden Superpower will help you, *See the many layers of benefits that simple acts of kindness can bring to people who commit to practicing it in their lives, *Learn how to make kindness a habit in your own life and feel the joy, fulfillment, and inspiration that comes from helping others, *Make kindness one your differentiators at work and experience the remarkable opportunities and direction that this brings, *Feel the power of kindness as a force to reconnect you to your authentic self, replenish your passion and creativity, and find your voice