Straightforward Strategies to Get You There Whether You're in Your 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s.
After a terrible week (or day) at the office, most people are not looking for a way to retire 20 or 30 years from now - they're looking for an aggressive strategy that will allow them to retire comfortably while they're still young enough to enjoy it. This book is a road map to achieving that goal. Abromovitz explains how to develop the skills you need if you wish to retire early. He also gives you valuable advice and strategies on the three imperative steps to early retirement: getting serious about saving, investing money where it will work the hardest, and deciding a second career while still working on your first. This final step is in preparation of the payoff for saving and investing, which is saying sayonara to the daily grind so that you can do the work that you really want to do.