Fusing her work as a psychotherapist with her work as an energy healer, Janny has created and developed the original concept of Soul Signatures: each person's unique energetic imprint; this idea runs through her work and this book.
We are all born with our own unique Soul Signature, it is the YOU that has always been and will always exist, it is your very essence.
This book is about the process by which the trauma we experience in life - and the fear, shame and rage that separates us from our Soul Signature as a result - leads us to forget our true essence. It is about how we forget and the process we must work through in order to remember. This involves letting go of what we have learned to believe about life and who we think we are - our 'story' - and transforming our pain into wisdom and resilience, so that we may live as the Soul Signature we have always been.
Janny will show you how to heal those inner wounds, so that you may live on purpose, free of that story. In order to do that we must journey through the 7 stages of healing that Janny has identified through her work as Psychotherapist, energy practitioner, spiritual coach and mentor. She walks us through each of these 7 stages providing us with a roadmap to help us identify key points in our lives so that we can reexamine and reframe these in order for us to heal and live on purpose and in alignment with our Soul Signature.