Featuring art and photographs from Nambucca Heads in the beautiful Gumbaynggirr Country, this stunning picture book tells stories of Gumbaynggirr people, their living culture and connection to Country, from the award-winning team who created The Dunggiirr Brothers and the Caring Song of the Whale.
Giinagay, welcome, I'm Uncle Bud. I'm a Gumbaynggirr man, an Aboriginal Elder from Nambucca Heads. This is my Country.
I want to tell you about this place and about my Elders. I want everyone who comes here to know where they are.
I want them to follow in the footsteps of our ancestors and be part of Yildaan, our Dreaming track.
In Yildaan, Uncle Bud's story of being on Country mingles with ancestor's stories and shows how these two parts of life are inherently connected. Using a mix of Gumbaynggiirr and English language, and combining photography and illustration, Yildaan includes artwork from Aunty Shaa's nieces and Uncle Bud's great nieces, Hannah Smith and Elaine Carmady, as well as a special story from Aunty Shaa who holds stories from the region.