178 x 233 x 16mm
Authors include: Peter Saint-Andre, Kevin Smith and Remco Tromcon.
The most complete and up-to-date guide to XMPP available, this practical book provides everything you need to know about this open network protocol for real-time communication. Devised for instant messaging, XMPP is now used for many diverse applications, including VoIP (Google Talk and Asterisk), social networking, information synchronization (TiVo), real-time collaboration, microblogging, and more. XMPP: The Definitive Guide walks you through the thought processes and design decisions involved in building a complete XMPP- enabled application, and adding real-time interfaces to existing applications. You'll not only learn simple but powerful XMPP tools, but through real-world developer stories, you'll discover how common XMPP "building blocks" can help solve particular classes of problems.