125 x 170 x 16mm
In the realm of amusing, deadpan greetings cards, Cath Tate is the original and best. In her thirty-year career she has created thousands of witty, original and often subversive cards, featuring grim-faced old ladies, ludicrously dressed 1920s gentlemen and bizarre-looking children, paired with text that perfectly captures her highly individual and devastatingly funny view on the world. In this brand-new title, Cath examines the world of work - something we all have to do, although sometimes we'd rather not! All the usual workplace suspects are here - bone-idle colleagues, overbearing bosses, fussy jobsworths and superhelpful interns, proving that no matter how technologically advanced our offices get, nothing much really changes.
The perfect gift for a youngster who's just starting out, or a colleague who's leaving or retiring, this hilarious book is packed with insights to help you negotiate the tricky world of the workplace.