155 x 223 x 30mm
Alisa Vitti, a holistic health coach (an emerging field recently featured in O Magazine), is here to help you make your body the channel for your greatest dreams and pursuits. While you may be suffering from problems such as bloating, fatigue, and cramps, and conditions like PCOS, fibroids, and infertility, in WOMANCODE Alisa will teach you that with a few easy strategies and changes to your diet and lifestyle to create a chain of effects on your hormones, you can not only undo these problems, but have the energy, mental focus, and stable moods to live your best life. Simply put, once you support the flow of your hormones, you create flow in your life.
Women today live with a host of problems related to hormonal imbalance--their periods are irregular, they can't get pregnant, they're on a bunch of meds and anti-depressants, or they have no sex drive or energy. Vitti proposes that these problems have far-reaching effects in women's lives, such as a lack of passion for their careers, no sense of life purpose, and unhappiness in their relationships. But once they begin to understand their endocrine systems and restore their hormonal balance with Vitti's five-step protocol, women can not only realise that their bodies are strong enough to heal themselves, but they can learn how to use that power to become the most potent expression of themselves imaginable.
Alisa Vitti offers a food-based solution for women's menstrual health, fertility support, and energy and libido issues. Passionately and strategically, her WOMANCODE protocol educates women from their teenage years to perimenopause about hormone health in a way that's relevant and easy to understand. Giving a top-to-toe (or "from your head to your ovaries," as Vitti puts it) explanation of what is going on inside your endocrine system, Vitti can help make your whole body sing. But that isn't the end of the WOMANCODE plan. If we're in the flow of our lives, we'll also attract effortless opportunities, enjoy moments of creative expression, and connect intimately with others--that's when we're in the flow of our power, our life-force energy, and our fullest potential. And because WOMANCODE is a complete lifestyle, Vitti's program offers readers long-term support to maintain their flow, even after they finish the five-step protocol.