131 x 148 x 23mm
We've all heard the stories- some of them show up on the evening news and as headlines on the weekly tabloids: The all-American sports hero accused of a brutal crime; the TV evangelist who gets arrested for soliciting prostitutes; the school teacher who carries on an affair with one of her students; or the baseball star who gambles on his own games. These public demonstrations of good people going astray have become our national obsession� but countless other examples take place� unbeknownst to us� in our own backyards: The successful eye surgeon who gambles his kids' college tuition away; the public official who takes a bribe; the uncle who molests his niece; or the PTA mom who is having an affair with her best friend's husband. These are people who most of their peers would consider good people� not shady characters whose previous histories would predict their unscrupulous behavior. These are people like you and me� people who started out with big dreams for their future and just want a good life.
Exposing the underbelly of the human psyche� Debbie Ford takes us face to face with what is often referred to as our dark side. Birthed out of fear and shame� it is the wounded aspect of our ego that misdirects our good intentions and drives us to act out and self-destruct. WHY GOOD PEOPLE DO BAD THINGS exposes the two contradictory forces that exist within each one of us: The force that compels us to expand our ability to give and receive love� be a contributing member of our community and succeed in our outer endeavors -and the force that holds us back� sabotages our best efforts� and repeatedly steers us in a direction that is inconsistent with our deepest goals and values. By revealing the signposts that lead to disaster� Debbie Ford helps us recognize the devastation of denying the darker aspect of ourselves and helps us to heal this split. With honesty and shocking candor� we learn the traps of self-deception and sabotage and gain the tools to be the good person we always intended to be.