Ros Jay and her partner, Richard Craze, first had the idea of starting their own publishing company, White Ladder Press, in the summer of 2002. This book is her personal journal account of launching the business. It tells the story of how they overcame their doubts and anxieties and brought the company to life for only a few thousand pounds, and set it on its way to being a successful small business. The White Ladder Diaries isn't all theory and recollections. It's a real life, day-by- day diary of all those crucial steps, naive mistakes and emotional moments between conceiving the idea for a business and launching the first product. It records the thinking behind all those vital decisions, from choosing a logo or building a website, to sorting out a phone system or getting to grips with discounts. Ros Jay has drawn on her long experience advising small businesses to give practical pointers for other people going through the same process. The diary is littered with tips and advice, whether you want to know how to register a domain name or how to write a press release.