There’s no doubt that people are worried about retirement. Whether someone is trying to calculate whether he or she will have accumulated enough for a comfortable retirement or someone is already retired and uneasy about how long his or her pension will last, there’s no longer any question that employees face an uncertain retirement in this country. Issues like contending with rising health care costs and the need for developing financial strategies to build a stream of long-term income are a critical part of an important dialogue that needs to start today.
What policy initiatives must be adopted today to prepare and plan for the profound growth of social programs on our GDP going forward in order to deal with the “aging problem” in order to sustain Social Security, and the Medicare and Medicaid programs? Medicare and Medicaid are the real monsters looming in the not-too-distant future. These entitlement programs are not going to be fixed without some incredibly hard decisions being made. This, alone, has been a monumental obstacle for Congress to deal with to date. Even some Democrats oppose modest changes that hit only the rich. How will they find the courage to support more far-reaching, much needed reforms?
This book is about being able to retire with dignity and how we can, collectively, staunch the demise of our nation’s pension crisis as a result of a failing and crumbling retirement system and a review of all of the contributing factors.