Five Factors of Competitive Advantage Than Span the World
This book will show companies/managers how to achieve better financial results over the next 5-10 years than their competitors by transforming them- selves into HPOs: High-Performance Organizations. It has been deeply researched by the author including: * review of 292 studies into business high performance and excellence
* personal survey of close to 2500 organizations throughout the world
* collection of numerous in-depth case studies of high performing companies representing nearly every continent.
As a result of all this research, the book's author, Dr. Andre A. de Waal, has been able to develop and practice an HPO framework tool on 200 organizations since 2006, both profit and non-profit, even as his research goes on. His insightful conclusions from this work coupled with his intensive research will prove crucial for management decision-makers who seek to dramatically improve their companies.
Why is this book needed now? We are in a severe recession, though the economy has been picking up, growth will continue to be slow for many years to come. This book makes it possible for a company to accelerate its growth. Also, customers worldwide have been growing more demanding and vocal especially as complaints about an organization can now spread like wildfire on the Internet. Thus becoming an HPO ensures a company stays competitive and maintains high levels of customer satisfaction.