After the success of the hardback edition, comes the paperback of Waterhouseand Smith. This major biography by leading racing writer, John Ellicott,chronicles the adventures and misadventures on and off the track of the Smithand Waterhouse families - their extraordinary successes and infl uence on thesport, but also their spectacular falls from grace; their extensive networks andrelationships (both professional and personal); and their place and legacy inAustralia's cultural/ sporting annals. The book broadly covers: • The patriarch, TJ Smith, his career and influence; his daughter Gai's 15-yearapprenticeship; and the transference of power• The rival, Bill Waterhouse, his career and influence; the Fine Cotton/BoldPersonality affairs• The untouchable Gai, her early career; her battles with offi cialdom; hersuccesses and failures; her intriguing relationship with Robbie; the emergence ofher glamorous daughter, Kate• Tom and Robbie Waterhouse: their potential; their legacy; their past andrecent misdemeanours; and the future ... Lively, entertaining, rich in anecdote and written in a style to appeal to a GoodWeekend demographic, Waterhouse and Smith will be the first major, in-depthstudy of these two extraordinary dynasties.