Warman's U.S. Stamps Field Guide, 3rd edition, features photographs of nearly 1,000 color stamps, thousands of listings values for U.S. regular-issue and Airmail stamps from 1847-2013, all providing a compact and enjoyable overview of one of the world's oldest hobbies.|Stamps are popular with collectors for a number of reasons, such as the beautiful artwork, the historic events they depict, the celebration of pop culture, the fascination of finding errors, and their potential investment value.
From the fine engraving of early letterpress stamps to the full-color lithography of today, the printer's art is on display in stamps. From tiny ?secret marks? used to distinguish some early stamps to almost microscopic nicks and spots to ?hidden images? that can be seen only with special lenses, stamps carry an array of attractions for the technophile. The subjects shown on U.S. stamps represent famous people and events of the nation's past or, in many issues of recent years, popular culture. Call it nostalgia, appreciation or education, history plays a major role in many people's stamp collections, and collectors today are finding production-error stamps more frequently than ever before.
Stamp collecting isn't just for the wealthy elite. Most used stamps, except those issued up until 1930 or so, can be obtained for pennies, literally. However, at the other end of the scale, some U.S. stamps, used or unused, sell for thousands, even hundreds of thousands, of dollars each.
Warman's U.S. Stamps Field Guide covers it all, including photos and pricing, and gets novice-to-mid-level collectors well on their way to accumulating hundreds if not thousands of fascinating stamps.|Warman's U.S. Stamps Field Guide, 3rd edition, features photographs of nearly 1,000 color stamps, thousands of listings values for U.S. regular-issue and Airmail stamps from 1847-2013, all providing a compact and enjoyable overview of one of the world?s oldest hobbies.
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