156 x 233 x 17mm
In today's world it is difficult to find a struggle that does not have some basis in differing essential beliefs - all the way from the massive conflict between factions of Islam and the Judeo-Christian West to the public clashes between people of faith and atheists. Because these fights have existed throughout all recorded history, it is easy to think they are intractable, but one of the world's great leaders now addresses this fundamental problem with candour and wisdom in a way that may help change our views. The Dalai Lama addresses one of the most important issues of our time: the polarization of the world along religious lines. His exploration of a possible kinship of faiths is hopeful, recognizing commonalities but at the same time fully mindful of the significant differences that will continue to exist between the world's traditional religions. And the Dalai Lama sees the message of the book as one of the most profound he has had to deliver to the world in his lifetime.