An extraordinary match of the most beloved Italian cigar with the prestigious Florentine publisher, Alinari, which has dedicated this volume to the culture of "old-style" smoking. TOSCANI. A Burning Passion is an elegant declaration of love for a product that has a deep-seated cultural tie, previously under-estimated, with the land in which it was born, the Tuscany of the Grand Dukes of Lorena. Equally significant were the "sigaraie" (women workers who hand-made the cigars), who with their struggle for social and political rights, were an undeniable model of women's emancipation. This volume presents them in an Alinari image marching defiantly during the Five Days of Milan demonstrations. Along with recounting the history of the "budding years" of tobacco in Europe, at times used for medicinal purposes, at other times accused of diabolic and corruptive properties, this volume offers a huge portrait gallery of the famous and passionate smokers of this very particular cigar. A cigar whose characteristic shape has for almost two centuries accompanied the great events of Italy's history as well as the little stories of Italy's people, an ever-present, faithful and silent friend. Contents: The Story of the Toscano Cigar: Giancluca Corradi The Making of the Toscano Cigar in the Manifattura di Lucca: Daniele Pugliese The Era of Smoking and the Tradition of the Toscano Cigar: Alberto Abruzzese The "Who's who" of the Cigar Semi-serious Journey among "Toscano" Smokers: Daniele Pugliese Anecdotes and Other Stories: Fernando Righini In Praise of the Toscano Cigar in the Recollections of a Man of Letters: Giorgio Luti The Toscano Cigar (sceenplay): Alberto Lattuada, Arcangelo Bonaccorso, Tulio Pinelli A Cigar for the Gods: Carlo Cresti Collecting Toscano Cigars Premies and Round about: Fernando Righini The Packaging: Fernando Righini The "Maledetto Toscano" Club: Roberto Fanticelli, Aroldo Marconi Gallery of Portraits 250 colour illustrations