The information and communication technology industry is one of the most innovative, stimulating, challenging and fast-moving, and whether we like it or not, has become a major part of all our lives. The industry has created vast new opportunities for job seekers, consultants, shareholders and investors alike.
The Corporate Research Foundation's panel of independent experts analysed over 2000 IT and Communications companies to find the most successful in the UK. Each in-depth profile features star ratings; best and worst features and key facts and figures; as well as performance assessments based on reputation/customer focus; products and services; turnover/profit/growth rate; strategic alliances; training and development; career opportunities; remuneration and benefits; internal communications; corporate culture; investment in research and development; corporate objectives; innovation, vision and capacity for change, which combine to demonstrate the best practices of these high-performing organisations.
An invaluable tool for graduates and other potential new recruits, analysts, investors and shareholders, ICT consultants and purchasers of ICT equipment, managers who want to get the best out of IT, the media and anyone with an interest in this industry and market in the UK.