Widely considered one of the classic books on nonlinear oscillators, this comprehensive volume offers a uniquely detailed and thorough discussion of an important branch of mathematics. Indeed, for mathematicians seeking the physical foundations of the theory of nonlinear oscillations, it is a veritable encyclopedia.Translated from the Russian by F. Immirzi, this edition is especially faithful to the flavor and detail of the original works; the translation has been further edited and abridged by Professor W. Fishwick for maximum clarity and usefulness. In addition, there are many practical examples of the most detailed use of the theory, and although the many electrical circuits investigated use thermionic vacuum tubes rather than transistors, the methods demonstrated are applicable to all similar types of equations.Ideal as a reference work for engineers and mathematicians with a strong interest in applications, this book will help professionals in the field become aware of the ways in which the phenomena they study can be physically realized or approximated. Abundant references, a full chapter devoted to commentary on more recent works, and an appendix outlining basic theorems of the theory of differential equations round out this comprehensive and important work.