107 x 146 x 11mm
Words of Wisdom from Wimbledon Common, as Told to Tess Read.
Remember you're a Womble. Learn the lessons of life from the Wombles of Wimbledon Common as you become reacquainted with lovably greedy Orinoco, practical Tobermory, the bossy cook Madame Cholet, venerable Great Uncle Bulgaria, bookish but brilliant Wellington, the Bungo and Tomsk double-act and fearless MacWomble the Terrible.
From their burrow on Wimbledon Common the Wombles set about making good use of bad rubbish. Ahead of their time they recycle all the things the "human beans" leave behind, fashioning weighing scales out of clocks, trains out of barrels, hammocks out of nets. And after a hard day's tidying up they rush back to the burrow for Madame Cholet's delicious moss pie followed by buttercup ice cream.