The Australian Labor Party returned to power following the 2022 federal election with Anthony Albanese as its leader. How did the Labor machine manage to get back in after almost a decade of conservative government in Canberra? There was no one thing that brought Scott Morrison, then leader of the Liberal Party and the Coalition, down but a range of factors that sent him and his party to the opposition benches. Mishandling vaccine orders and the coronavirus pandemic, a lack of action on equality, a failure to deal with an integrity commission, a tug-of war over climate change and more spurred on a range of minor parties and independents to press harder. The Australian parliament now has a greater representation of Australian Greens and independents in the form of professional women who had a gutful of their aspirations being ignored. The Wave: The People Versus The Establishment is a collection of essays and contributions with each piece a mosaic that explains why Australians decided to vote in a manner that not only resulted in regime change but warned establishment political parties that each and every vote cannot be taken for granted ever again.