All the information you need to discover how your personality is influenced by planetary activity and what that means for you.
An astrology book in a class of its own. This comprehensive handbook is amazingly easy to use and uncannily accurate. Extensive tables and charts contain all the information you need to cast a "professional" horoscope - all the time-consuming computations have been done for you!
The essential characteristics of your personality with its positive and negative traits are astrologically determined, not just by the Sign in which the Sun was placed when you were born (your Sun-Sign), but also by the Sign positions of the Moon and the Inner Plannets. The Outer Planets reveal how you are a part of a greater, spiritual whole; they operate as agents of Change and Transformation both for yourself and for the generation you were born into. To deepen and sharpen your self awareness, look up your Rising Sign - one of the greatest astrological keys to understanding yourself and what influences and motivates you. Then turn to the "transformer" flow charts which show you have to resolve problems created by your more negative character traits by developing the positive ones!