It's been two years since the world collapsed in a sheet of light, obliterating everything on Earth...but not quite everyone. Saved from the apocalypse by three mysterious beings, sisters Hannah and Amanda Given were marked with a silver bracelet and transported to an entirely different Earth, a place where restaurants move through the air like flying saucers and the fabric of time is manipulated by common household appliances. Joined by four other survivors from their native world, each with the same bracelet, the new companions became known as the Silvers. Afflicted with temporal abilities they never wanted, and on the run from enemies they never knew they had, the Silvers embarked on a dangerous journey across an alien America to find the one man who could help them.
But their new Earth is about to suffer the same fate as the old one, and the Silvers only have ten weeks to stop it. Their only hope is to find the remaining survivors of their homeworld-a quest that will take them from Mexico to England to a radically-changed Japan-to gain more allies for the a final confrontation with the godlike beings who first brought them to this Earth. Failure will mean death for billions of people. But victory may come at a cost that the Silvers can't afford.