Rich and furious, hilarious and devastating, The Volcano Daughters is the story of two sisters through and beyond La Matanza, the 1932 massacre that cost 30,000 lives and changed El Salvador forever
Graciela is raised in�the�Izalco�volcanos, dusty-kneed and bound closely to her friends, until a messenger from�the�Capital comes to claim her: at nine years old she has been selected to work as�the�dictator�s oracle, a muse to help foresee�the�future of El Salvador. Brought to�the�Capital, far from her mother and friends, she meets�Consuelo,�the�sister she�s never known. Consuelo is wilful, talented and desirous, and�the�sisters are a small fortress within�the�dictator�s regime. But�they are no match for�the�cruelty of El Gran Pendejo�and in�the�aftermath of La Matanza�they barely escape, each believing�the�other to be dead, fleeing to California, Paris, and beyond, to run, to reinvent�their lives, and to reconnect at�the�least likely moment.
Narrated by a chorus of victims of the massacre - ghost girls who have died, but who have not yet finished telling their story - The Volcano Daughters is an unforgettable story about reclaiming the truth.