The Underworld is for every reader you know; thinkers, laughers, empaths, quirky folk, queer folk, nostalgists, the young and those getting on. Readers seeking a happy ending and anyone ready to feel. Anyone who has ever been fourteen.
Martha Mullins is a misfit. Her mother is glamorous, aloof and judgemental. Her father, mostly absent. If only she had brothers and sisters with whom she might share her feelings, her confusion ... Academic and shy, Martha finds herself fascinated by the underworld, a place she learns about in Roman mythology classes at school. To Martha, the underworld and its divine inhabitants provide a place of refuge, escape, imagination and desire.
But Martha also finds joy in friendship. Connection. Intimacy. It's Martha's band of friends who show her the value in spontaneity, fun, laughter.
Until things go wrong.
How will Martha find her way in the world where she cannot be herself? Will she ever find a home for the love she feels? The call of the underworld is difficult to resist...
The Underworld is a wondrous novel from an author who wields her considerable powers with assuredness and grace. Funny, brave, insightful and clever, Martha will break your heart - then mend it - many times over.