Building Exciting, Resilient and Durable Careers Through the Power of Independent Capability.
Second Edition.
This exciting new book acknowledges the fact that the skill needs of the modern career person are quite different to those of several years ago. In a world of work where the only constant is the promise of continuous change, author Hugh Davies reveals that the way to achieve career satisfaction and success is by becoming an independently capable titanium professional.
This book delivers expert advice on developing the skills of the independently capable, described by Davies as: self-control and self-management, initiative and pro-activity, empathy and perception, effectiveness with others, and analytical thinking. Davies describes these capabilities in rich detail and shows how many individuals from different careers and backgrounds demonstrate these capabilities in building their careers.
'The Titanium Professional' combines personal experience, case studies and interviews, plus reviews and analysis, which offer you real tools with which to drive your own careers.
Ideal for ambitious professionals; anyone who has experienced retrenchment personally, or within the family, or professionals experiencing doubt about the longevity and purpose of their career.
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