A modern-day series of supernatural horror comedy adventures, by acclaimed author and TV scriptwriter. The Rook family run a little family business. Ghost hunting. And business has picked up recently. Something's wrong. It's been getting noticeably worse since, ooh, 2016? Bad spirits are abroad, and right now they are particularly abroad on Coldbay Island, which isn't even abroad, it's only 20 miles from Skegness. The Rooks' 'quick call out' to the church on Coldbay Island picks loose a thread that begins to unravel the whole island, and the world beyond. Is this the apocalypse? This might be the apocalypse. Who knew the apocalypse would start in an off-season seaside resort just off the Lincolnshire coast? I'll tell you who knew - Linda knew. She's been feeling increasingly uneasy about the whole of the East Midlands since the 90s.