This entertaining and informative book, designed for the under-40s, aims to give couples insights into their relationship and to answer a persistent question: Is this partner right for them? Twenty tests cover important issues associated with attraction, compatibility, commitment, life together , intimacy and sex, communication and expectations.
Each quiz from 'The Partner Test' is intended to be an accessible entry point into a serious relationship topic. An in-depth interpretation follows the test, outlining information about the issue and offering strategies to tackle problems revealed by readers' answers.
The authors have created a style of test that has broad appeal because it is based on issues that cause conflict in relationships. The aim if each quiz is to get couples thinking about important issues and how they might resolve problems - and to bring partners closer together.
The authors, clinical psychologists Jo Lamble and Sue Morris, are highly qualified relationship counsellors and authors in this field. They have created tests that are well-founded, and their analyses and advice have solid psychological foundations.
'The Partner Test' combines humour with practical information in an easy-to-read and interactive format. These tests appeal to men and women alike.