Frankenstein wasn't the only classic horror novel created by a woman...England, 2126.Edmund Montague is a national hero in the army, while his younger brother, Edric, is lazy but very intelligent. Edric yearns for notoriety of his own, albeit academic. So he hatches a plan with a German scientist — his tutor — Dr. Entwerfen, to resurrect a mummy. Is Edric a more rational Victor Frankenstein?Originally published in 1827, within a decade of the 1818 publication of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, seventeen-year-old Jane Webb created Mummy! A Tale of the Twenty-Second Century. A futuristic story of reanimation, robots, and the concept of a living, functional mummy with the wisdom of the ages eager to share his insights with humanity. This pioneering tale offers an engaging mix of comedy, politics, and science fiction.