The latest information on how to achieve better quality of life through diet if you have multiple sclerosis. There is increasing evidence to show that diet can improve quality of life for those with MS. This book explains how diet may help in MS as well as in other autoimmune diseases such as coeliac disease and type 1 diabetes. Since this book was first written, two doctors with MS have had great success treating their own symptoms with diet, using modifications of the diets featured in the book. These diets include the so-called Swank or low-fat diet, named after Dr Roy Swank who pioneered it in the 1940s; the Dr George Jelinek Diet, 1999, which emphasises supplementation and sunlight (for vitamin D); and the Best Bet diet which has a focus on avoiding dairy, grains and red meat. In recent years the Paleo (caveman diet) has become popular, and there is also new research into topics such as the benefits of vitamin D and how salt affects people with MS. This new edition updates the Food as Medicine section and replaces the anti-candida diet and case studies with more up to date findings.