Finding the Passion and Joy of Soul-Centered Love
Drs. Evelyn and Paul Moschetta are a husband and wife marriage counseling team who have been happily married for over 20 years. Their secret to a happy, mutually fulfilling marriage: soul-centered love. A commitment to soul-centered love means both parties are devoted to becoming their best self, their spiritual self, so that they can love one another with a clear mind and an open heart.
Over time, our cultural models of marriages or relationships have changed. In the past, we had a traditional model, in which the man was dominant and communication was not the primary value. Then, in recent years we have pursued the companionship model (better known to the world as Mars and Venus), in which couples struggled for better communication and equality. The Marriage Spirit finally brings us a mainstream spiritual path that will enable couples to find more happiness and commitment than they would have thought possible.