Some examples of Tom's timeless wisdom:
LOVE YOUR COMPETITORS: "At the top of my business priority list is a desire for my overall market to grow by leaps and bounds. Sure... my market share will go down...But my revenue will also soar."
LEAVE YOUR WALLET AT HOME: "Pay for your groceries with cash next time. Your car repair, too. The office supply bill? Ditto. By hook or by crook, bring Realism in the office door."
APPOINT AN OMBUDSMAN FOR COMMON SENSE: "A lot of the giant financial-economic mess we're in can be chalked up to a failure of common sense -- sometimes, often actually, by the so-called bestest of the best and brightest... I suggest routinely running proposals or budgets, or whatever, minor as well as major, by a 'common sense ombudsman'."
CUT RED TAPE: "When a project is unusual-risky, never, ever waste time or capital going 'up the chain of command.'... Be polite to your boss, but do not waste time on him!."