Plants provide a great deal of our food, yet what do we really know about even the most familiar of them? The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables & Herbs provides an in-depth and fascinating exploration of the origins, history, botany, and culinary uses of hundreds of fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, oils, sugars, beverage plants, and herbs and spices.
In its pages you'll learn about the crucial role that food plants have played in human history, from the earliest hunter-gatherers and the advent of agriculture, to contemporary and future issues, such as genetic modification and the effects of food transport on
the environment.
Discover the exotic history of everyday staples such as chocolate and vanilla, explore the once-mysterious world of spices, and enhance your own cooking with tips from culinary professionals on the uses of each plant. Whether a plant is as familiar as a strawberry or as exotic as a lotus,
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables & Herbs
is the authoritative guide to the world of food plants.
1 Features comprehensive information on more than 450 food plants, including their origins, botanical details, cultural facts, culinary uses, and nutritional values.
1 Illustrated with more than 500 mouthwatering photographs.
1 Written by an international team of historians, chefs, horticulturalists, and specialist food writers.