What do Dorothy Parker, Groucho Marx, H. L. Mencken, Oscar Wilde, Robert Benchley, George Bernard Shaw, Jules Feiffer, Bill Hicks, Bill Maher, Phyllis Diller, Edith Piaf, W. C. Fields, Mark Twain, Voltaire, Charles Bukowski, and countless others have in common? Not a thing, other than each had brilliantly snarky wit and all are included in this compendium of the original snark handbooks.
Snark is the humor of the twenty-first century. Columnists are snarky. Politicians are snarky. And parents and teens are snarky with each other every day. For the snarkiest person in your life, here is the biggest book of snark ever done. It will make any lover of snark chuckle, guffaw, titter, groan, and belly laugh as he or she dips in and out of the great minds in literature, comedy, movies, politics, and music. Illustrated Dictionary of Snark has everything that your wiseass needs to get through life.
With hilarious illustrations, the giftiest of humor books is your one-stop source of humor. If you or your friend, lover, father, mother, wife, or husband has a tongue that's a little too sharp, this is the book for them. To paraphrase Dorothy Parker, if you don't have something nice to say, come and sit by me-and bring your The Illustrated Dictionary of Snark!