The natural way to take control of what goes into your body.
As more and more people become wary of the preserving methods of major food manufacturers, they turn to home food preserving methods that are not only healthier but also more cost effective. People interested in maximizing nutrition, flavor, and budget by controlling what goes into their food will find all they need to know in The Home Preserving Bible. This practical guide thoroughly covers every type of home food preserving method for both small and large batches. In addition to clear step-by-step instructions for preserving, The Home Preserving Bible covers safety precautions as well as necessary equipment.
Hundreds of delicious recipes and ideas fill this must-have reference which explains both the latest and traditional home food preservation methods.
Detailed instructions on all methods of food preservation plus over 400 fabulous recipes.
Home food preservation is trending up among gardeners, foodies, and people wanting to cut their food bills.
A world-class chef and instructor of food preserving, the author is uniquely qualified to write this comprehensive reference.