What is a hobbit? For the uninitiated, hobbits are little people, smaller than dwarves, and like goblins, come in all shapes and sizes. They are a grave, lovable species with a convivial lifestyle and curious habits.
'The Hobbit Companion' delves into the origin and evolution of these hairy footed creatures and allows us to peep into and participate in the fantasmagoric world that prompted the very first hobbit to leap from Tolkien's imagination. Explore through the intriguing illustrations the weird world of the hobbit home, uncover hobbit habits and fight hobbit battles as the last relic of Middle Earth embarks on a hazardous and adventurous journey, overcoming elves, dwarves, orcs, ents, trolls and dragons in their path.
Exploring the brilliant web of verbal hocus-pocus that JRR Tolkien delightedly spun in 'The Hobbit' and 'The Lord Of The Rings', master hobbit investigator David Day reveals the myriad crafty puns and riddles, hidden meanings, and mythical associations beneath the sage's thrilling surface.