What everyone should know about teenagers and drugs.
People take mood altering chemicals because they enjoy altering their moods. But for every high there is a low. For every trip a return journey. All children entering adolescence need to know that there is no short cut to happiness through chemistry. There is only a short-circuiting of the brain wiring that makes them, them.
Every human brain is a miraculous tapestry utterly unique to the weaver. When we tear this fragile tapestry we are damaging a one-off that can't easily be repaired.
This book is written specifically for teenagers and their parents, and should be required reading for every junior and senior high school student and parent. It explains, with a rare clarity and simplicity, what happens to the brain when any mood-altering chemical enters it. Difficult scientific concepts are brilliantly translated into text, pictures and humorous cartoons that make the book entertaining, while at the same time providing up-to-date information about the effects of drugs.