The six classic magical adventures of Flat Stanley brought together in a beautifully presented, eco-friendly and plastic-free pack with wonderful illustrations by the award-winning author/illustrator and star of Lockdown viral sensation #DrawwithRob, Rob Biddulph.
Stanley Lambchop was just an ordinary boy – until a noticeboard fell on him. Now he’s flat as a pancake!Join Stanley as he travels to space, meets a real genie, and goes to visit Father Christmas in this collection of the six original Flat Stanley books. With Rob Biddulph's heart-warming and funny illustrations, revisit Stanley's adventures to find out how heroes come in all shapes and sizes!Jeff Brown’s Flat Stanley stories have been delighting children around the world for 60 years.This collection includes:Flat StanleyInvisible StanleyStanley and the Magic LampStanley's Christmas AdventureStanley in SpaceStanley, Flat Again