Written in an easy-to-read and engaging style, this book details the many and varied gardening techniques that readers can utilise to create a beautiful low-maintenance garden with a focus on tough, resilient and drought-tolerant plants. It also provides invaluable tips on how to successfully grow plants in containers and details the simple and inexpensive ways that new plants can be created with no financial outlay. The text covers approximately 250 types of plants, detailing the practical requirements and growth habits of each. With seven categories of plants, from annuals and perennials, to bulbs, bromeliads, succulents, trees and shrubs, all of which are illustrated with stunning images, readers can discover a host of attractive plants that will thrive with minimal attention. The wide range of plants featured in the book includes both familiar species and those that are a little unusual. Readers will be introduced to Dietes iridiodes, the glamorous Wild Iris that seems to be invincible and can survive the worst of droughts, and to Crinum bulbispermum, the elegant Crinum Lily that grows well, undaunted by the poorest of soils and the harshest of climatic conditions. The text also details the positive physical and mental health benefits that gardening offers to anyone who spends some quiet time in the company of plants where a hint of laziness is always permissible.