There is, perhaps, no other place in the world fraught with as much turmoil as the Middle East. This updated guide provides readers with an intense look at current events and the ever-changing political and social landscape, as well as the history-ancient and modern-of the region. This latest edition of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Middle East Conflict offers a completely updated view of events in the region through the corrective lens of present-day knowledge, as well as a look at what's going on there right now:
The rearming of Hezbollah, and what it may mean to Israel and the Lebanese government.
The increased threat of Iran-despite increased pressure from the United States and Europe, its acquisition of nuclear weapons may only be a matter of time.
With Hamas controlling Gaza and the Palestinian Authority now divided, can the Palestinians present a united position in peace talks?
The evacuation from Gaza-has this peace measure only led to a launching pad for a new front in a war against Israel?