There is nothing more relaxing or therapeutic than a deep massage. Spas can charge as much as $250 a half an hour for this healing, satisfying activity. But with the right instruction, the basic techniques are so easy to master that you could have a massage for free in the privacy of your own home every day if your partner is willing to oblige- and vice versa. However, one of the problems with the all the books that are on the market is that they are TOO complex. Even the series guides cover all sorts of esoteric techniques which are much more difficult to learn.
'The Complete Idiot's Guide To Massage Illustrated' solves this problem for the general reader. It is the only how-to massage guide to focus on the time- proven, basic best techniques of the most accepted method: Swedish Massage. Fully illustrated with more than 80 professional photos by veteran photographer Bob Shell and written by Vicky Jordan Stone, a twenty-year licensed massage expert, this guide gives clear instruction in the most popular techniques of massage for relaxation and health.