The Human Forces that Fuel or Foil Corporate Transformation and Change.
A brilliant, original, and powerful look at corporate change - mergers, reorganisations, transformation - and why it succeeds or fails.
This is a tough-minded but compassionate book about leadership when major changes are demanded: after a merger, when profits are falling or markets being lost. It is also about the discipline and kindness it takes to get the people who report to and depend on you to confront their fears and move on to a new agenda, strategy, or company.
This book is a reminder, through stories and anecdotes, of the essentials of the heart and mind that provide the basis for leadership. It also offers warnings that probably will be heeded only after they have been ignored. How, when you think you have made it clear to people what the new objectives are and how they need to behave differently, you are suffering serious illusions. And how, when you think they are not watching, they are, scrutinising and often misinterpreting your every move.
At its core, the book has the Change Curve, an important tool. Developed from Jeanie Duck's years of experience working with some of the most important change efforts of our time, it provides a highly practical way to help you understand and deal with "the change monster" - the emotions and fears everyone has when going through major change. It will serve as your compass in making judgments about where, both intellectually and emotionally, your people are in their readiness and ability to execute a new strategy or make a new organisation succeed.