The Cat Fanatic is a discriminating selection of the most pithy, profound, and humorous statements on record about 'the tiger on the hearth.' Judging from the amount of thought devoted over the centuries to figuring out what goes through their furry little heads, it is clear that cats fascinate us.
In this delightful collection, Charles Elliott reveals an unexpectedly wide range of writers and personalities whom, it turns out, have been cat-people (or sometimes cat-haters, but there's room for them too), including: Roy Blount, Jr., Noel Coward, Charles Dickens, T. S. Eliot, Ernest Hemingway, Rudyard Kipling, Anne Morrow Lindburgh, Camille Paglia, Beatrix Potter, William Shakespeare, P. G. Wodehouse, and many more. Entertaining and decorated with lovely illustrations, this is the perfect book to read with a cat curled up on one's lap: the perfect gift for any feline fancier.