The underlying promise of every exciting medical discovery, diet, and exercise program is the same: Do this, buy this, or eat this and you will look better, live longer, and be healthier. But few books can make the promise of this one: If you adapt these five simple, virtually-free suggestions you will live a longer and healthier life, guaranteed.
This is no fad study. Each of the suggestions outlined in this book has been proven in an overwhelming number of tests, trials, and studies to increase health and lifespan. There are no gimmicks, no catches, no ifs, ands, or buts.
So what are the five, deceptively simple behaviors every human body needs to thrive? Drink coffee, exercise regularly, add nuts to your diet, make certain you get enough vitamin D (either from the sun or supplements) and meditate regularly, even for short intervals.
Presented to readers by a trusted expert, The Big 5 includes easily digestible data and startling results from real studies conducted by reputable universities and involving thousands of subjects. Because there isn't a profit-driven industry supporting these products, many people simply aren't aware of the incredible benefits of incorporating them into their lives. But now readers can see without a doubt that the five things they need to thrive offer much more proven benefit than the latest expensive supplements, fad diets, over-the-top exercise programs or state-of-the-art gym equipment.