188 x 242 x 11mm
The friendliest, funniest and most comprehensive guide to cycling in the 21st century: read it and ride!
If you are thinking of abandoning the train, tram, car or bus and taking to the streets on two wheels (and if not, why not?), then you need this book. 'The Bicycle Book' contains a mine of useful information, from selecting your bike to caring for it, from how to ride it to where to ride it and what to wear while riding it. With 'The Bicycle Book' you will learn to distinguish your bottom bracket from your headset, how to repair a puncture in just 5 minutes and the simple secrets of keeping your bike in top condition with only three basic tools. It will even tell you how to get oil out of the carpet. Taming roundabouts, multi-lane filters, bendy buses, HGVs and white vans, 'The Bicycle Book' is your ticket to a stress-free commute, wherever you live. And in the unlikely event that push comes to SUV, it will also tell you what you need to do after a collision.