Understanding Our Climate and How It Affects Us - Includes the Greenhouse Effect and Ozone Layer Depletion.
This fascinating book describes Australia's climate and weather in a lively and readable way. It gives full information on the following topics:
- How the weather affects us personally and in our day-to-day living
- An explanation of Australia's climate - rainfall, temperature, drought, flood, etc
- Climatic change and the effect of man's activity on climate including the greenhouse effect and the ozone hole
- How and why the atmosphere works - details of wind circulations including the southerly buster and Spillane eddy
- Clouds - how they form and the different types of clouds
- Instruments used to measure weather phenomena - from barometers and thermometers to radar and Automatic Weather Stations
- Well-known disasters - Cyclone Tracy, the Great Sydney Hailstorm of 1947, Ash Wednesday bushfires, etc
The book is aimed at the general public who have an interest in weather and climate and who wish to understand how these vital processes of the natural environment operate and affect our lives.