Fourth Edition.
Beginner - Intermediate Level Users.
Includes CD-ROM.
This book has been completely rewritten and provides up-to-date, Australian information on the Internet, focusing on research skills, banking, shopping, and doing business online. You will find more practical advice on getting the most out of search engines; creating websites using free software; shopping and doing business online; and organising secure credit card transactions and other services.
In response to the increasing expansion and commercialisation of the Internet, and the fact that computers are becoming much more user-friendly and the general public more computer literate, the technical "how to" information of the previous editions has been reduced to make way for the latest information on sound, video and animation, and directions for the future.
The book contains a resource section that draws from the newly rebuilt Australian Internet Directory known as Ms Peabody, the only subjective directory on the Internet in Australia that selects sites and makes recommendations, guiding you to the best locations on the Internet. The book also includes sections applicable to the business Internet user.
The accompanying CD-ROM includes OzEmail Starter kit with free access time and other cool stuff!