There is no doubt communication is at the core of all relationships, both personal and professional; that it determines the quality of our results. But how do we know if we are communicating effectively? As men in the modern world, could it be we've been culturally indoctrinated to 'not' communicate? 'Deal with it.' 'Suck it up.' 'Put on a brave face and get on with it.' When we are truly honest with ourselves, we can tell by the quality of our relationships and results, if we are communicating effectively. But can we improve, and continue to improve our experience of life through more conscious communication? The answer is a resounding 'YES indeed!' Throughout his wonderfully colourful and varied life around the world, Jem has been on a mission to explore, understand, connect and communicate with people from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds. Over the last 20 years of leadership, coaching and facilitation, Jem has been sharing strategies that improve the way we think, focus, act and communicate; profoundly enhancing individuals lives and the lives of those around them. In this book, Jem takes us on a journey of personal discovery, with honest and raw stories from his life, and a practical look at how small steps in awareness can make big changes in everything we do.