165 x 249 x 17mm
Practical Advice On Fish-Keeping and Maintenance.
With the help of this handbook, overflowing with good advice, irresistible full-colour images - and no-nonsense warnings about what could go wrong - you can become one of the happy, huge and growing band of indoor aquarists.
Specifically created for the newcomer to this astonishingly popular hobby, the book provides all the guidance you would expect, in an easy-to-follow format, about stocking and maintaining a tank; but it also provides something more. By knowing about the natural behaviour and wild habitat of your chosen fish, not only will you be able to predict their needs and pre-empt trouble, you will also enjoy their company so much more.
The pros and cons of setting up a community, family, or even single species tank are discussed, and a stunning gallery of members of all the major aquarium fish groups will help you to decide which fish are right for you. With more than 140 full-colour photographs and diagrams, and the advice of an author and fish keeper known and respected throughout the world, this book might just be the start of a lifetime's enjoyment.