Follow the story of Mist, a young koala, as she loses her home and learns about the dangers posed by coexisting with humans. Her adventure is a heartening tale of strength, friendship and understanding. This is the first book in the series and will capture the hearts of children, from ages 5 -10, as they learn more about nature and how to live more sustainably within it. Delight in the beautiful watercolour illustrations by an Australian artist whose work shows her love of the native bush. And test your skills by looking for Ditzy the dragonfly in each image. Written by American author Becca Boucher and illustrated by Australian artist Lucienne Noontil, in cooperation with Koala Gardens at Tukurimba NSW, Australia, this book is an international collaboration. Ms. Boucher is the author of 4 adult novels and many short stories and Ms. Noontil is an accomplished illustrator/artist and children?s author. You can get involved with The Adventures of Mist website to learn more about the real situation of climate change, the environment, and the importance of healthy ecosystems. There are interactive activities there, and a Parent/Teacher guide to make the most of the concepts presented through the stories.